Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Steppin Wednesday!!

Since I declared that I'm no longer using my cold/sinus issues as an excuse to not exercise---I decided to use my Step 360 to start of my workout week..  If you haven't seen or used one of these before, they are awesome..  It really works your core and helps you with your balance.  I also like the ab workout on this the best.  It's very versatile, and can be used in alot of ways.  I can't get the "link" to work on this computer, but you can just hop over to Amazon or EBay and check them out.  I like Amazon because you can read the reviews and see what everyone else thinks of the product..
  I'm going to wear my Polar heart rate monitor, so I'll post it when I'm done---as proof that I did it!!  Gotta hold myself accountable!!!

What inside equipment do you like to use to change things up??

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