Monday, July 22, 2013

I Blinked and it was MONDAY!!!

Where did the weekend go?  I'm telling ya'll, I blinked and it was over!!  But I had a really good time!  Saturday Mya and I went to her last beginner Nosework class.  She did great.  It was such a fun class.  Can't wait until we start the second one in the fall.  There will be alot of "field" trips for that class---so it should be lots of fun!!

Saturday night I went out with my next door neighbor, Kerra to Papa Saia's.  Deputy 5 was playing outside and inside was Chase Evans.  Deputy 5 was great, I had never heard them before--I was pleased.  However, the guy playing inside the bar, Chase Evens---he had such a great sound.  He was adorable and had a great voice.  I think Chase should have also been playing outside---did I mention that he has a great voice??  I hope to hear him again...

Kerra and I kinda "closed the place down" Saturday night, so I wasn't good for much of anything yesterday.  But it was worth it---had a blast and met some very nice people.  I also gave out a ton of business cards!  Can't get the business if you don't spread the word!  So click on the box to the right and follow my Pure Romance site for daily "Tara Tells All" tips, sales and just overall fun stuff!!!

Registering my baby for his junior year in high school tomorrow.  Just still can't believe that.  Wow...

This Friday is my first 5k!!  It's the Glow in the Park 5k...  I'm really excited about it.  Kerra may do it with me..  If not, I can go at it alone...  I'm doing it for myself anyways...  I maybe going at turtle pace, but I know I will enjoy the ride!!!


  1. Sounds like you had a fun weekend! I tried to email you back after you left me a comment but you don't have your email showing....change that girly so I can respond! LOL

  2. Thanks D for letting me know about the email!! I fixed that--I hope!!
