Friday, October 10, 2014

TGIF!! And so Much More!!

Are you as happy as I am that it's Friday??  Lawd---I thought today would never get here!!  Going to have dinner with my sweet girlfriends tonight...  My last for a while until I get my new diet plan going..  It was delivered today so I will be reading it this weekend..  My plan is to read it and understand it tonight and tomorrow, grocery shop and then food prep Sunday.  The key to this is diet is food prep..  From what I've watched on YouTube, most people do about 3-5 days out...  That's my plan...  I can do this..  I have to because I do not want to go on insulin and that is what the doctor is saying will happen if it doesn't get under control..  So I CAN DO THIS!!

I'm also proud of my new Budget Binder..  All aspects of my life need to come together and that includes my spending..  I've been working on this month, not bad so far and pretty easy!!

We'll have a great weekend friends!!  And ROLL TIDE!!

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