It's confession time. I was so weak when I got home. I knew after I took a hot bath for my shoulder and neck pain---I should have just gotten in the bed. But no, I go into the living room and start watching Housewives of Orange County, with a glass of merlot. After I had already taken my ambian.. Think flashing sign about right now----NEED TO BE IN BED!!! Needless to say, at some point after the ambian kicked in---I fixed myself some greek yogurt dip with a packet of chili powder mixed into it. (Must have been out of my spicy ranch packets). Then proceeded to eat that with veggie chips. I really can't say how long this process went on for.. But it must have been awhile---cause I was burping that dip taste all the way to work.. YUCK!!! SOOOO should have gone to bed before the dip got involved!
I'm so glad that I have a doctor appointment tomorrow--just a check up, but we are for sure going to discuss my neck!! And my "big daddy" heating pad should come in tomorrow. It gets so hot I think you could cook on it... But well worth it. Taking the "wanna be a heating pad" back to Walmart...
I really hope the weather holds out and continues to be pretty. I want to take Mya for a walk/run at Vetrans Park. It was so nice there the other day. Our only issue may be the ducks...???....
Ugh - neck pain is the worst. Hope you get some relief.