I'm following this awesome blogger at
My Road To Health and have signed up for her April challenge. She asked us yesterday to list 10 goals we would like to achieve. Now, I have "mental" goals I set all the time, but rarely put them down in writing. Well, I'm putting them out there for the world today!!
1. Lose 2 more pounds by 4-15 for my doctor's appointment.
2. Be more consistent with my exercise.
3. Take Mya to more "public" places regularly.
4. Cook more meals ahead of time for the week.
5. Be brave enough to try and bicycle with Mya on her leash with me.
6. Spend less, enjoy more of what I have.
7. Although I have blogged for years, learn to be more "open" with it.
8. Run a non stop mile. Long term---do a 5k.
9. Lose 10 more pounds by June 2013.
10. Be happy with "me".
Bonus: Drink as much water on my off days as I do at work!!
Since my last one basically has an end date of June---I will do a final update then. It's funny how when I was thinking of these, I got stuck around 7 or 8. But when I finished, I could think of several more I could have listed. However, I don't want to overwhelm myself. One thing I try very hard to do is something my psychiatrist advised me to do, "the rule of 5". I try to never look further out than 5 of anything. Living by this now and through my divorce this past year has REALLY helped me keep my sanity!!
And on another happy note---TGIF!!! I'm hoping to fight off this cold and enjoy the sunny weather we are "supposed" to have this weekend. However, in Alabama---we know how fast THAT can change!!